Branduardi Paola
Full Professor in Chemistry of Fermentation and Industrial Microbiology

room 4067, building U4, tel. +39 02 6448 3418
lab 4054, building U4, tel. +39 02 6448 3428
The activity is focused on the following research lines

Food Biotechnology

Industrial Biotechnology
Metabolic engineering, Process and product, Synthetic Biology

Enviromental Biodiversity and Ecosystem
Microbial Diversity and Bioprospecting
Research Group

Bertacchi Stefano – PhD student
lab 4054, building U4, tel. +39 02 6448 3428,
Ferraz Luis – PhD student
lab 4054, building U4, tel. +39 02 6448 3428,
Jayaprakash Pooja – PhD student
lab 4054, building U4, tel. +39 02 6448 3428,
Martinelli Andrea – PhD student
lab 4054/4042, building U4, tel. +39 02 6448 3428/3452,
Maestroni Letizia – PhD student
lab 4054, building U4, tel. +39 02 6448 3428,
Mastella Luca – PhD student
lab 4054, building U4, tel. +39 02 6448 3428,
Di Lorenzo Raffaella Desirè – PhD Student
lab 4054/4071, building U4, tel. +39 02 6448 3428/3439,
Barroso Liliane – PhD Student
lab 4054, building U4, tel. +39 02 6448 3428,
Mendonca Bahia Silva Frederico – PhD Student
lab 4054, building U4, tel. +39 02 6448 3428,
Coppolino Martina – PostGraduate
lab 4054/4032, building U4, tel. +39 02 6448 3428,
Cantù Chiara – Master student
lab 4054, building U4, tel. +39 02 6448 3428,
Vajente Matteo – Master student
lab 4054, building U4, tel. +39 02 6448 3428
Paola Branduardi graduated cum Laude in Biological Sciences at the University of Milano, Italy, and received a PhD in Cellular and Molecular Biology at the University of Milano, with an internship at the Vienna BioCenter, working on the yeast cell cycle progression.
She moved in 2000 at the University of Milano Bicocca as Post-Doc, where she started to work on Microbial Biotechnology where she is now full professor in Chemistry of Fermentation and Industrial Microbiology.
Microbial Biotechnology, Metabolic Engineering, Synthetic Biology, Biorefinery, Biobased Bioprocess, Robustness, Microbial Physiology, Bioprospecting, Fine and Bulk Chemicals
Research interest
Her research aims at the development of sustainable microbial-based bioprocesses, mainly valorizing residual biomasses as in the concept of biorefineries. This is pursued by tailoring microbial strains, mainly but not exclusively Saccharomyces and non- Saccharomyces yeasts, for the production of heterologous proteins, fine and bulk chemicals, biofuels, nutraceuticals. Synthetic biology, metabolic engineering, flow cytometry, screening protocols and adaptive laboratory evolution are the approaches used to leverage microbial potential, including robustness against stress, to match industrial requirements.
She published over 60 peer-reviewed papers, 7 book chapters, and she is (co-)inventor of 10 patent applications, 6 of which obtained the PCT status, and 5 were subsequently licensed.
She is co-founder and CSO of Galatea BioTech srl, a University spin-off company active in the production of bio-based biodegradable materials.
She acts as coordinator of the PhD program in “Converging Technologies for Biomolecular Systems”, as member of the teaching board of the Master in Circular Bioeconomy “Biocirce”, of the Master in “Sustainable Development Jobs” and as beneficiary of past and present MSCA ITN programmes: principles and concepts of Open Science and RRI are embedded both in her researches as in her teaching and communication activities.
Research areas
Microbial Biotechnology, Metabolic Engineering, Synthetic Biology, Biorefinery, Biobased Bioprocess
Selected articles
-Bertacchi S, Bettiga M, Porro D, and Branduardi P (2020) “Camelina sativa meal hydrolysate as sustainable biomass for the production of carotenoids by Rhodosporidium toruloides” Biotechnol for Biofuels, in press
-Berterame NM, Martani F, Porro D, Branduardi P (2018) ”Copper homeostasis as a target to improve Saccharomyces cerevisiae tolerance to oxidative stress.” Metab Eng. 46:43-50. doi: 10.1016/j.ymben.2018.02.010
-Ortiz-Merino RA, Kuanyshev N, Byrne KP, Varela JA, Morrissey JP, Porro D, Wolfe KH, Branduardi P (2018) “Transcriptional response to lactic acid stress in the hybrid yeast Zygosaccharomyces parabailii.” Appl Environ Microbiol, doi: 10.1128/AEM.02294-17
-Gottardi M, Knudsen JD, Prado L, Oreb M, Branduardi P, Boles E (2017) “De novo biosynthesis of trans-cinnamic acid derivatives in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.” Appl Microbiol Biotechnol, 101(12): 4883-4893. doi: 10.1007/s00253-017-8220-x
BOKU UNIVERSITY (Life Science and Natural Resources), Vienna, Austria: Prof. Diethard Mattanovich, Dr Michael Sauer
MINHO UNIVERSITY, Braga, Portugal: Prof. Maria Joao Sousa
JACOBS UNIVERSITY, Brema, Germany: Prof. Elke Nevoight
TU DELFT, The Netherlands: Dr Jean-Marc Daran
UNIVERSITY COLLEGE DUBLIN, Ireland: Prof. Kenneth Wolfe
CHALMERS UNIVERSITY, Sweden: Prof. Maurizio Bettiga, Prof. Carl Johan Franzén
UNIVERSITY COLLEGE CORK, Ireland: Dr John P Morrissey
UNIMIB: Prof. Marina Lotti, Massimo Labra, Dario Pescini, Luca De Gioia
ACTYGEA srl: Dr. Fabrizio Beltrametti
PIRELLI TYRE: Dr. Luca Giannini
Finished projects:
- Coordinator of the project entitled “Apoptosi e morte cellulare in lievito: effetti della sintesi di acido ascorbico” granted by Fondazione Cariplo (2007-2008);
- PI in FP VII - Framework Program Seventh (2010-2012) entitled: ”Systems Biology as a Driver for Industrial Biotechnology” (SYSINBIO);
- Co-PI in FP VII - Framework Program Seventh (2010-2013) entitled “Novel high performance enzymes and micro-organisms for conversion of lignocellulosic biomass to bioethanol” (NEMO);
- PI for the Marie Curie Initial Training Networks (ITN) Call: FP7-PEOPLE-2013-ITN entitled “Yeast Cell Factories: Training Researchers to Apply Modern Post-Genomic Methods in Yeast Biotechnology (YeastCell) (2013 -2017);
- PI in the KAVA project entitled “MiRaCLE, MIneral RAw materials replacement with nanoComposites by renewabLe Resources Exploitation” granted by the EIT/KIC RawMatters (KIC Raw Materials) (April 2016 – December 2018);
- Coordinator of the project: “MYSUSHI - Microalgae and Yeasts SUStainable fermentation for HIgh quality fish feed formulation” granted by CARIPLO Foundation – Program “Ricerca Integrata sulle biotecnologie industriali e sulla bioeconomia” (April 2016 – June 2019);
Active projects:
- PI of the: “Sistemi Alimentari e Sviluppo sostenibile: creare sinergie tra ricerca e processi internazionali ed africani (SASS)” Ente Finanziatore: MIUR. CUP: H42F16002450001 (2017-);
- PI of the: Marie-Curie MSCA European Joint Doctorates (EJD) H2020MSCAITN2017 (2017- ): "Yeast Biotechnology Doctoral Training Programme (YEASTDOC)” [REA grant agreement number 764927];
- Coordinator of the project: “Microalgae based biorefinery for Oils and Fats Industry” granted by the University of Milano Bicocca “quota competitiva” (January 2019 –);
- PI of the local unit within the KAVA project entitled “Practical training between Academia and Industry during doctoral studies” granted by the EIT/KIC RawMatters (KIC Raw Materials) (August 2019 –);
- PI of the project entitled “CARDoon valorisation by InteGrAted biorefiNery (CARDIGAN)” granted by MIUR (April 2019 –);
- MC of two cost actions: CA18229 - NON-CONVENTIONAL YEASTS FOR THE PRODUCTION OF BIOPRODUCTS (2019 -); CA18113 - Understanding and exploiting the impacts of low pH on micro-organisms (2019 -)
Finished projects:
- “Fermentazioni microbiche per la produzione di enzimi di interesse industriale" granted by Actygea srl (2012);
- “Piano di fattibilità per la produzione microbica di acido gibberellico " granted by AIFAR Agrochimica srl (2012);
- “Biofuels di II generazione” ( granted by ENI Ricerche (2009-2012);
- “Sviluppo di ceppi di lievito Saccharomyces cerevisiae tolleranti alla presenza di acido acetico per la produzione di etanolo di II generazione" granted by BioChemtex Italia Spa (2010-2012);
- “Sviluppo di lieviti ricombinanti per la funzionalizzazione di acidi grassi” granted by Novamont SpA (2010-2012);
- “Selezione di ceppi di Escherichia coli ricombinanti, sviluppo delle corrispondenti banche cellulari e fermentazioni” granted by Explora LABORATORIES SA (2012).
- “Sviluppo di un processo biotecnologico per la produzione di sali organici di Zinco e/o Ferro" granted by EcoZinder srl (2015-2016).
- “Sustainable microbial production of biosurfactants for degreasing applications in leather industry Feasibility study”, granted by STAHL ITALY S.R.L. (2017)
Active projects:
- “Studio e sviluppo di innovative tecnologie per la valorizzazione completa della biomassa microalgale finalizzate all’ottenimento di biocarburanti e materie prime per la cosmetica e la nutraceutica in una logica di bioraffineria integrata”, granted by Gruppo Parodi S.R.L. (2018 - )
- “Ottimizzazione delle rese di produzione di SCO da lieviti oleaginosi selezionati cresciuti su residui agro-industriali”, granted by ENI Ricerche (2019 - )
- Secretary and Member of the Microbial Physiology Section of the European Federation of Biotechnology
- Member of the Advisory Board of the Italian Scientific Society SIMGBM, Società Italiana di Microbiologia Generale e Biotecnologie Microbiche
- Member of the organizing committee of the 4th International Conference on Recombinant Protein Production with Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic cells: a comparative view on host physiology. Barcelona, Spain, 2006;
- Co-chair of the 1st Conference of the series entitled: “MICROBIAL STRESS from Molecules to Systems” that was held in Semmering, Austria, May 2009;
- Chair of the 2nd Conference of the series entitled: “MICROBIAL STRESS from Molecules to Systems” that was held in Belgirate, Italy, May 2012;
- Chair of the Summer School event (June-July 2013) within the Marie Curie Initial Training Networks (ITN) Call: FP7-PEOPLE-2013-ITN entitled: “Yeast Cell Factories: Training Researchers to Apply Modern Post-Genomic Methods in Yeast Biotechnology (;
- Co-chair, together with Prof. Marina Lotti, of the first and the second edition of the European Summer School on Industrial Biotechnology (ESSIB): “Stability, Folding, and Misfolding of Recombinant Proteins” Milano, Oct 6-10, 2014;
- Co-chair of the 3rd Conference of the series entitled: “MICROBIAL STRESS from Molecules to Systems” that was held in Sitges, Spain October 2015;
- Member of the Scientific Committee of the conference: “ISSY33 - Exploring and Engineering Yeasts for Industrial Application”. Venue: Cork, Ireland, June 2017;
- Member of the Scientific Committee of the conference: “Microbial Stress: From Systems to Molecules and Back”. Venue: Kinsale, Ireland, April 2017;
- Chair of the 7th Conference of the series entitled: “Physiology of Yeast and Filamentous Fungi - PYFF” UNIMIB, Italy, 2019.
- Member of the Scientific Committee of the upcoming ICY (International Yeast Conference). Venue: Vienna, Austria, August 2020.
- April 2013
TV program entitled “PLA, bioplastiche e bioreattori” for “Geo Scienza”, RAI3
- June 2013
article entitled “Oltre l'etanolo: Un futuro per l'auto prodotta dagli "scarti" delle biomasse”: Interview for “Quattroruote”, Eco news
- May 2014
Title: “Biotecnologie: nuove risposte per vecchie domande”
Presentation with open discussion within the program “IL FUTURO CI INSEGUE” (October 2013–June 2014), at Centro Coscienza, corso di Porta Nuova 16, Milano
- September 2015
MEET ME TONIGHT, Researchers’ night: “Foodomic interactive lab”.
Initiative with experiments, games and talk addressed to public engagement, from kids in school to any person interested in approaching experimental applied science.
- May 2016
Attendee of the Course “Comunicare la scienza”, as part of A TU PER TU CON LA RICERCA: STORIE DI QUESTO MONDO PER UN DIALOGO TRA SCIENZA E SOCIETA’, organized by Museo Nazionale Scienza e Tecnologia Leonardo da Vinci in collaboration with Fondazione Cariplo (May 2016 – Feb 2017)
- September 2016
MEET ME TONIGHT, Researchers’ night: “MYSUSHI project from lab to society, from society to lab” in collaboration with Fondazione Cariplo e Museo della Scienza e Tecnologia di Milano.
Initiative with experiments, games and talk addressed to public engagement, from kids in school to any person interested in approaching experimental applied science.
- December 2017
Contribution for “Automazione Oggi” entitled “Nano e bio: i due prefissi dei materiali innovativi” (Authors: Stefano Bertacchi, Nadia Maria Berterame, Paola Branduardi)
-April 2018
“Ambasciatori e ambasciatrici della scienza: cosa c’è dietro le quinte?” at Scuola Secondaria di II grado – Istituto Galvani di Milano organized by the Museo della Scienza e della Tecnologia “Leonardo da Vinci” as part of Hypatia project. Hypatia is an EU Horizon 2020 funded project that aims to develop a theoretical framework on gender inclusive STEM education.
- September 2018
MEET ME TONIGHT, Researchers’ night: “Dolci scarti: quando il rifiuto diviene una risorsa” Milano, Giardini Indro Montanelli, presentation and interview with the journalist Maurizio Melis, from Radio 24, and open dialogue with public.
-March 2019
“Ambasciatori e ambasciatrici della scienza: cosa c’è dietro le quinte?” at Scuola Secondaria di II grado – Istituto Galvani di Milano organized by the Museo della Scienza e della Tecnologia “Leonardo da Vinci” as part of Hypatia project (see above)
- September 2019
MEET ME TONIGHT, Researchers’ night: “Tra un panino ed un buon libro… lievitano tante idee!” Milano, Giardini Indro Montanelli, presentation and open dialogue with public.
Branduardi’s Lab – #BranduardiLab_BtBs – #indbiotechlab
last update October 2020