BtBsDay - Giornata del Dipartimento di Biotecnologie e Bioscienze

Il convegno annuale del dipartimento aperto agli studenti e a tutti gli interessati


BtBsDay 2025 (February 18, 2025)

BtBsDay 2024 (February 8, 2024)

- 52 posters
- 12 interventi orali
- 8 graphical abstracts
- 2 video “Three Minute Thesis”

BtBsDay 2022 (December 13th, 2022)

- 54 posters
- 15 interventi orali
- 4 graphical abstracts
- 2 video “Three Minute Thesis”
- Tavola rotonda

BtBsDay 2021 (December 15th, 2021)

“The future of science, Multi-Omics and Nanotechnology”

Invited speaker:

-Stephan Beck – Personal Genome Project UK, University College London.
“Connecting dots for (Epi)Genomic Medicine”

-Guglielmo Lanzani – Center Coordinator - Nanomaterials for Energy and Lifescience, Center for Nano Science and Technology@PoliMi, Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia.
“Organic nanoactuators for cell optostimulation”

BtBsDay 2020 (December 15th, 2020)

Saluti istituzionaliGiovanna Iannantuoni, Magnifica Rettrice dell’Università di Milano-Bicocca (UNIMIB).

Invited speakers:

-Nicole Soranzo, FMedSci, EMBO. Senior Group leader in Human Genetics, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute (WTSI), Professor of Human Genetics, University of Cambridge. Joint Head of Centre of Genomics, Human Technopole

-Ivano Eberini, Professor of Biochemistry (UNIMI) and Scientific Communication through new media (UNIMIB / UNIMI), member of the Communication Commission of the Italian (SITOX) and European Toxicology Societies (EUROTOX)

BtBsDay 2019 (November 22nd, 2019)

Invited speaker:

-Mauro Ferrari – Executive Vice President, University of
St Thomas, Houston Texas. President Designate, European Research Council.
My 28 years of failures (trying to cure metastatic cancer)”

BtBsDay 2018 - Kick off meeting (November 21st, 2018)

Invited speakers:

-Bruce Beutler, Nobel prize for Medicine, Director of the Center for the Genetics of Host Defense and holder of the “Raymond and Ellen Willie Distinguished Chair in Cancer Research”, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, USA
Using forward genetics to study immunity in mice

-Hans V. Westerhoff, SysBA (Systems Biology Amsterdam), Molecular Cell Physiology, VU University Amsterdam
Eppur si muove: molecular biology does throw dice, with multifactorial disease and ageing ensuing

BtBsDay 2017 (December 13th, 2017)

Invited speakers:

-Duccio Cavalieri, University of Florence
The mycobiota and the gut brain axis. How fungi and yeast communicate with central nervous system

-Sara Calcagnini, Museo Nazionale Scienza e Tecnologia “Leonardo da Vinci”
Ricerca e Innovazione Responsabili (RRI) e Public Engagement: la collaborazione tra ricercatori e musei”

BtBsDay 2016 (December 2nd, 2016)

Invited speakers:

-Verena Siewers, Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg, Sweden.
“Synthetic biology tools in yeast metabolic engineering”

-Roberto Burioni, Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele, autore del libro “Il vaccino non è un’opinione”
“I vaccini: la scienza e le bugie”

BtBsDay 2015 (December 15th, 2015)

Invited speakers:

-William F. Martin – University of Düsseldorf
“Endosymbiotic origin and differential loss of eukaryotic genes”

-Raffaello Cortina – Fondatore di Raffaello Cortina Editore
“Come nasce un libro”

BtBsDay 2014 (December 2nd, 2014)

Invited speaker:

-Nadia Ranzani – Biology and Biotechnology Department – University of Pavia    
The molecular genetics of colorectal cancer: a growing complexity

BtBsDay 2013 (December 5th, 2013)

Invited speakers:

-Telmo Pievani, Dipartimento di Biologia - Università di Padova, Italy
“Scienza e Democrazia: le Analogie e le Differenze”

-Giovanni Sannia, Dipartimento di Scienze Chimiche - Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, Italy
“Frontiers in Chemistry: laccases as a solution for the green chemistry demand of our future”

BtBsDay 2012 (December 3rd, 2012)

Invited speaker:

-Gerd B. Muller, Evolutionary Developmental Biology, Department of Theoretical Biology, University of Vienna.
“Novelty in Limb Development”

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