Fiandra Luisa, PhD
Assistant Professor of Clinical Biochemistry

room 3014, building U3, tel.: +39 02 6448 3406
lab 4015, building U4, tel. +39 02 6448 3440
see also: Scopus 7801514947 , Orcid, Linkedin
The activity is focused on the following research lines

Cancer, Drug Discovery and Pharmacology, Nanomedicine and Biomaterials
Research group
Alessandra Zerboni - PostDoc
From 2003 to 2010, post-doc at the Department of Biology of the University of Milan (UNIMI). Studies on transport and cell to detect the interaction of molecules with membrane receptors, their intracellular uptake and their ability to cross intact epithelia by ex vivo assays.
From 2010 to 2017, LF was responsible of the research activity of the Nanomedicine Unit of “L. Sacco” University Hospital, where she coordinated preclinical studies mainly devoted to the use of nanotechnology for cancer therapy and diagnosis, and for biological barriers overcoming. In particular, LF played the role of scientific coordinator of the national project “Development of novel nanostructured materials for the diagnosis of breast cancer, inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and modulation of antiretroviral therapy (HAART) in HIV”, in close collaboration with the Anatomy Pathology Unit of the hospital, the Pharmacology Unit of the department of Biomedical Sciences “L. Sacco” of UNIMI, and the BtBs of the University of Milan- Bicocca (UNIMIB).
From June 2018 to October 2020, as member of Centre POLARIS (Particular Matter and Health Risk) and of the Nanotoxicology Laboratory of DISAT (UNIMIB), she has been involved in the evaluation of the human safety of pharmaceutical and manufacturing nanoproducts.
From 2018, LF is Aggregate Professor in Cytology and Comparative Anatomy, for the degree in Biological Sciences, in Cell Biology and Applied Environmental Biology for the degree in Environmental Science and Technology and she hold the Laboratory of Biochemical and Molecular Techniques for the degree in Industrial Biotechnology (UNIMIB).
From November 2020, LF is RTDB (Clinical Biochemistry and Clinical Molecular Biology - BIO12) of the BtBs, on the project CHRONOS - CHRonical multifactorial disorders explored by NOvel integrated Strategies (“Dipartimenti di Eccellenza 2017”).
Member of the Italian Society of Clinical Biochemistry (SiBioC); member of Centro 3R (Inter-University Center for the Promotion of the 3Rs Principles in Teaching & Research (Centro 3R), Italy; Member of BioNanoMedicine Center “NANOMIB” of UNIMIB.
Advanced cell models, drug discovey, nanomedicine, preclinical studies, biological barriers, murine models, zebrafish, optical and electron microscopy.
Research interest
- Preclinical in vitro e in vivo studies, and development of advanced cellular 3D models, for the validation of conventional or latest generation drugs directed towards tumor or neurodegenerative pathologies;
- Validation of nanoformulated systems for drug delivery across biological barriers (eg. BBB, skin);
- Study of the toxicity of nanomaterials and nanodrugs on 2D/3D in vitro and in vivo experimental models, and in zebrafish.
- Studies aimed to the implementation of electron microscopy systems, through the subcellular localization of different types of nanoparticles.
Selected articles
Bengalli R, Colantuoni A, Perelshtein I, Gedanken A, Collini M, Mantecca P, Fiandra L.
In vitro skin toxicity of CuO and ZnO nanoparticles: Application in the safety assessment of antimicrobial coated textiles. NanoImpact Volume 21, January 2021, 100282. DOI: 10.1016/j.impact.2020.100282
Bellini M, Riva B, Tinelli V, Rizzuto MA, Salvioni L, Colombo M, Mingozzi F, Visioli A, Marongiu L, Frascotti G, Christodoulou MS, Passarella D, Prosperi D, Fiandra L.
Engineered Ferritin Nanoparticles for the Bioluminescence Tracking of Nanodrug Delivery in Cancer. Small 2020, 28: e2001450. DOI: 10.1002/smll.202001450
Das P, Fatehbasharzad P, Colombo M, Fiandra L, Prosperi D.
Multifunctional Magnetic Gold Nanomaterials for Cancer. Trends Biotechnol. 2019 Sep;37(9):995-1010. doi: 10.1016/j.tibtech.2019.02.005
Colombo M*, Fiandra L*, Alessio G, Mazzucchelli S, Nebuloni M, De Palma C, Kantner K, Pelaz B, Corsi F, Parak WJ, Prosperi D.
Tumour homing and therapeutic effect of colloidal nanoparticles depend on the number of attached antibodies. Nat Commun. 2016 Dec 19;7:13818. doi: 10.1038/ncomms13818.
Fiandra’s Lab – #FiandraLab_BtBs
last update: March 2021