Innocenti Metello Enzo, PhD
Assistant Professor in Biochemistry

room 4020, building BIOS (U3), tel. +39 02 6448 3441
see also: ResearchGate, ORCID, Google Scholar, Linkedin, Twitter
The activity is focused on the following research lines

Cancer, Genetic diseases, Nanomedicine and Biomaterials
cancer, metastasis, epithelia, cell signaling, cell migration, endocytosis, cytoskeleton.
Research interests
The Innocenti lab studies the Arp2/3 complex and mDia formins, druggable protein machineries that make up specialized actin-based protrusive, endocytic, and adhesive structures on the plasma membrane. Our work has contributed to elucidating how actin controls cell migration, clathrin-mediated endocytosis (CME) and signalling in normal cells, and how defects in actin-based processes impact on homeostasis and carcinogenesis in (tubular) epithelia.
Selected articles
A pro-tumorigenic mDia2-MIRO1 axis controls mitochondrial positioning and function in cancer-associated fibroblasts. Cangkrama M, Liu H, Whipman J, Zubair M, Matsushita M, Di Filippo M, Kopf M, Innocenti M*, Werner S. Cancer Res. 2022 Aug 23:CAN-22-0162 (* co-corresponding author). DOI: 10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-22-0162
Flat clathrin lattices are dynamic actin-controlled hubs for clathrin-mediated endocytosis and signalling of specific receptors. Leyton-Puig D, Isogai T, Argenzio E, van der Broek B, Klarenbeek J, Janssen H, Jalink K, Innocenti M. Nat Commun. 2017 Jul 13;8:16068. DOI: 10.1038/ncomms16068
Knockout of the Arp2/3 complex in epidermis causes a psoriasis-like disease hallmarked by hyperactivation of transcription factor Nrf2. van der Kammen R, Song JY, de Rink I, Janssen H, Madonna S, Scarponi C, Albanesi C, Kerkhoven R, Innocenti M. Development. 2017 Dec 15;144(24):4588-4603. DOI: 10.1242/dev.156323
Initiation of lamellipodia and ruffles involves cooperation between mDia1 and the Arp2/3 complex. Isogai T, van der Kammen R, Leyton-Puig D, Kedziora KM, Jalink K, Innocenti M. J Cell Sci. 2015 Oct 15;128(20):3796-810. DOI: 10.1242/jcs.176768
International and national collaborations
Sabine Werner, ETHZ (CH)
Michael Cangkrama, ETHZ (CH)
Julian Andrew Guttman, Simon Fraser University (CA)
Davide Prosperi, University Milano-Bicocca (IT)
Marco Bianchi, DIBIT (IT)
Innocenti's Lab – #InnocentiLab_BtBs
last update: March 2023