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Ronchi Antonella, PhD

Associate Professor of Genetics

Antonella Ronchi UNIMIB BtBs


room 3045, building U3, tel.: +39 02 6448 3337

lab 3021, building U3, tel.: +39 02 6448 3317

Molecular Genetics of Hematopoiesis Lab (Biomedicine area)

The activity is focused on the following research lines

Health research area BtBs UNIMIB

Genetic Diseases, Stem cells and Regenerative Medicine

Research Group

Barbarani Gloria – PostDoc
lab 3021, building U3, tel. +39 02 6448 3317,

Agata Labedz – PhD student
lab 3021, building U3, tel. +39 02 6448 3317,

Stucchi Sarah – Master student
lab 3021, building U3, tel. +39 02 6448 3317,


cell differentiation , hematopoiesis, erythropoiesis, transcription factors, transcriptional regulation, hemoglobin switching

Research interests

Mechanisms controlling cell specification and differentiation in hematopoiesis.

Molecular control of erythropoiesis:
-mechanisms of Hereditary Persistence of Fetal Hemoglobin: research on globin gene activity and function (mRNA translation, inherited structural and regulatory defects, transcriptional control).
-transcriptional control of the expression of genes encoding erythroid transcription factors, in particular GATA 1 (and its transcriptional and post-transcriptional regulation), Sox6 and NR2F2.
-study of the transcriptional regulation of the “stem cell” gene c-Kit
-identification and functional analysis of genes differentially expressed during erythropoiesis
-signal transduction mechanisms controlling cell commitment and differentiation in normal and pathological (leukemias, myelodysplastic syndromes) erythropoiesis
-development of high-content high throughout assays to identify drugs reactivating fetal globins genes.

Research areas

Genetics and molecular biology of hematopoiesis

Research projects

From 2011 to 2015: Coordinator of the Marie Curie project HEM-ID: hematopoietic cell identity: genetic and epigenetic regulation in normal and malignant hematopoiesis (HEM-ID PITN-GA-2011-289611, 11 partners, from 7 european countries).

From June 2019: Coordinator of the Marie Curie project “ARCH: Age-related changes in Hematopoiesis” (H2020-MSCA-ITN-2018, n°813091: 15 beneficiaries, 5 Partner organisations from 10 countries).

Selected publications

Cristina Fugazza, Gloria Barbarani, Sudharshan Elangovan, Maria Giuseppina Marini, Serena Giolitto, Isaura Font-Monclus, Maria Franca Marongiu, Laura Manunza, John Strouboulis, Claudio Cantù, Fabio Gasparri, Barabino Silvia M.L., Yukio Nakamura, Sergio Ottolenghi, Paolo Moi and Antonella Ellena Ronchi  “The Coup-TFII orphan nuclear receptor is an activator of the g-globin gene” Haematologica, accepted for publication.

Barbarani G, Fugazza C, Barabino SML, Ronchi AE. SOX6 blocks the proliferation of BCR-ABL1(+) and JAK2V617F(+) leukemic cells. Sci Rep. 2019; 9:3388. PMID: 30833651.

Cantù C, Ierardi R, Alborelli I, Fugazza C, Cassinelli L, Piconese S, Bosè F, Ottolenghi S, Ferrari G, Ronchi A. “Sox6 enhances erythroid differentiation in human erythroid progenitors” Blood 117:3669-79 (2011).

Cantu’ C.,  Grande V.,  Alborelli I.,  Cassinelli L., Cantù I., Colzani M.T.,  Ierardi R., Ronzoni L.,  Cappellini M.D.,  Ferrari G., Ottolenghi S., Ronchi A “A highly conserved Sox6 double binding site mediates Sox6 gene downregulation in erythroid cells”  Nucleic Acids Research 39:486-501 (2011).


Ronchi’s Lab – #RonchiLab_BtBs
last update:
September 2020