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The double degree agreement between the University of Milano-Bicocca and the European Master in Genetics of the University Paris VII "Denis Diderot"

Since the Academic year 2008-2009, a double degree agreement is in force between the Master's programs in Biology, Industrial Biotechnology and Medical Biotechnology of the University of Milano - Bicocca and the European Master’s program in Genetics of the University Paris VII.

The Italian students admitted to the program spend the second year of their Master's Degree attending the French Master in Paris. The educational program includes the attendance of courses in the first semester (all taught in English) and a full-time experimental stage for the duration of the whole second semester.

The main topics of the Master are focused on genetics and cell biology, with a clear orientation towards biomedical aspects. The list of courses, as well as a more general description of the Master's program are available at the website: www.magisteregenet.univ-paris-diderot.fr/spip.php?article61#top. The experimental stage can be carried out at the Paris VII University or in other prominent research centers in the area of the Ile de France. At the end of the second year, exams taken in the French University are included in the Italian Master’s degree curriculum.

The dissertation is defended both in Paris and in Milan. Then, students are awarded the double degree (French and Italian Master's Degrees).

The admission test is based on an interview and student ranking in the previous Bachelor’s degree. To be admitted to the double degree in Paris, students must have taken all the examinations of the first year of the Italian Master’s degree before the beginning of the second year (mid-September).

As a rule, students who complete the French Master's degree are offered the opportunity to access a French Doctorate.

Six double degree positions are available each year to the students of Milano - Bicocca, namely two for each of the three Italian Master’s degrees involved.

Referent: Prof. Paolo Tortora