Biella Paolo, PhD

Assistant Professor in Ecology

Paolo Biella BtBs_UNIMIB

room 4009, building U4, tel.: +39 02 6448 3412

lab 4012, building U3, tel. +39 02 6448 3334

see also: website, Google Scholar, ResearchGate, Twitter


Urban ecology, Climate change, Functional biodiversity and distribution, Molecular ecology, Island biodiversity, Pollination and reproductive biology of plants, Pollinators and ecosystem services, Plant-pollinator interactions, Integrative Taxonomy, Disturbance ecology

The activity is focused on the following research lines

Enviromental Biodiversity and Ecosystem Reasearch area BtBs UNIMIB
Enviromental Biodiversity and Ecosystem

Ecosystem services & plant-animal interactions, Interaction Biology and Functional Ecology


Paolo Biella, is a lecturer of the course ‘Biogeography’ for Master students of Biology. Before, and specifically since 2012, he taught (or took part in teaching of) University courses and practice activities, he held a number of seminars, in Italy and abroad. Since 2019, he has been nominated Subject Expert and Teaching Assistant (“Cultore della materia”) in Zoology and in Biology of Animal Interactions by the University of Milano - Bicocca.

He is Assistant Professor at the University of Milano-Bicocca, department of Biology and Biotechnology. Previously, in 2014 he was a research assistant at the University of Pavia, and from 2014 to 2019 at the Biology Centre in Ceske Budejovice (CZ). In recent times, he attended several intensive scientific trainings abroad in Spain, England and Norway and also a number of specialized courses. He is also active in popularization talks on scientific topics.

He was awarded with a PhD degree by the University of South Bohemia (CZ) in 2019. He graduated both bachelor and master degrees at the University of Pavia.

Research interest

He is a specialist of ecological interactions among species, especially between pollinators and plants that he studied at several levels: taxonomy of pollinators, reproductive biology of plants, nutritional ecology and plant-pollinator interaction networks.

At the moment he is mainly focusing on the impact of anthropic or natural disturbance on the ecosystem services, and the side-effects on functional biodiversity and species interactions. Biodiversity and interactions in urban landscapes and disturbed habitats are the main focus. He studies oceanic islands as models for predicting the effects of disturbance.

He integrates innovative methodologies (DNA barcoding, phytochemistry, morphological analysis) with statistical modelling.

He is also active in the field of species conservation, studying the pollination biology of endangered plants, and the effects of climate change on the ecology and distribution of some bee species. For instance, in 2018 he collaborated at the Red list of threatened Italian bees. Furthermore, he is active in the taxonomy of wild bees.

Biella’s Lab – #BiellaLab_BtBs
last update: March