Ore 14.30 in aula U1-01
Oppure su WebEx: https://unimib.webex.com/unimib/j.php?MTID=m59219c6a50f1ea78d2547996c6ff134a
Password: tecsbi
My project at a glance
- Gergő Borka - Development of Organ-on-Chip based methodologies for in vitro novel compound testing
My PhD results and methodologies: tips and tricks
- Alice Italia - Study on the impact of Toll-like Receptor 4 (TLR4) modulation in rare inflammatory-fibrotic diseases
- Maddalena Bracchi - Designing a 3D bioprinted meniscal scaffolds
- Chiara Florindi - Non-genetic optomodulation of cardiomyocytes membrane potential by sarcolemma-targeted azobenzene photoswitches
Chair: Alessandro Marchetti
Hashtags: #BtBsPhD - #TeCSBi